In a brutal condemnation, entrepreneur and “Shark Tank” personality Kevin O’Leary, or “Mr. Wonderful,” let loose with a barrage of attacks aimed at the federal Liberal cabinet for being epitomes of “complete incompetence.”

During an open discussion on Daniela Cambone’s news podcast, O’Leary left no stone unturned in demanding that Prime Minister Trudeau be thrown out of office. He bewailed Canada’s vast natural resources per capita compared to what he saw as “utter stupidity” in governing.
O’Leary insisted that the Canadian leader was the “worst manager” ever to grace this country attributing the woes to pervasive incompetence.

O’Leary noted how many Canadians are waking up to terrible conditions and called for those responsible for them to act quickly.
Nevertheless, while criticizing strongly about his position, O’Leary claimed that he still believed in Canada’s potential but denounced regulatory obstacles that hinder investments concerning sectors such as mining and AI which are critical.
With a view towards awfulness of our situation being changed, Canada has to move towards change right now. According to him, their development is hindered by several ways including unrealistic regulatory policies blocking progress.
Oliver reiterated this point stating that economic revival required Trudeau’s removal from office saying; it would free entrepreneurs from crippling regulatory bureaucracies slowing things down.
“Everything shows that it is necessary,” said O’Leary confidently. All metrics show this nation is getting worse under his leadership persuading Canadians who will vote for him in order to save our future according to himself
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True North’s attempts at provoking response from the Prime Minister’s Office were met with silence leaving O’ Leary’s assertions unchallenged.
Last Updated on by Alshaar Ansari