Temperature Check: When Is it Unsafe to Walk Your Dog in the Heat?

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We all love our pets immensely, especially when it is a dog. You might have seen how people’s pet dogs accompany them on their daily car drives or bike rides—the faithful animals, too, like to stay in the owner’s company.

An instance that is very common to our eyes is when the owners bring their dogs out for a walk, the most common form of exercise. This is mainly done on the streets or in pet-friendly parks early in the morning.

Although it’s usually the morning when we see people take their dogs out on the trail, there are times when people take their dogs out in the evening for walks and spend some time with their pets.

1. Factors to Consider Before Planning To Walk Your Dog

sunset, woman, 4k wallpaper
Source: Pixabay

Now we know that this depends on various factors. Let’s briefly look into each one of them.

1.1. Age of the Dog

old dog, nature, domestic animal
Source: Pixabay

Now, you probably won’t take a 12-year-old dog for a walk and expect it to be just as energetic and active as your neighbour’s dog, who is five years old, would you?

Age plays a significant role in how much distance the dog can cover during a specific time period.

But since we are talking about the weather and their safety level towards the dogs, according to a few sources, older dogs suffer more heatstrokes than young dogs.

Due to their old age, their resilience to heat reduces, and they are more prone to heat strokes.

1.2. Breed of the Dog

bulldog, dog, jump
Source: Pixabay

Some dog breeds are more likely to suffer in higher temperatures than others. This is because their body cooling systems are designed differently.

We, as pet owners, need to be aware that dogs have fewer sweat glands, which makes their body cooling process slower than ours.

Some breeds, particularly dogs, have a more minor or something that you categorize as a flatter face.

A Pug, Bulldog, Chow Chow, French Mastiff, and some more are more affected by heat.

2. Check Your Environment Before Walking The Dog

the side of the road, walk, dog
Source: Pixabay

We know that different temperatures apply in other countries and can vary from city to city. Therefore, it’s the owner’s prime responsibility to check the weather before taking your beloved pet out. 

Moreover, there are cities around the world with incredibly unpredictable weather. Just look at some countries, like Michigan, Georgia, and South Dakota. 

Therefore, before moving out of the house, ensure the environment of the place you’re taking your dog is suitable for it. 

2.1. Check The Pavement Temperature

city, walkway, trees
Source: Pixabay

This is harder as checking the temperature of the pavement needs to be done manually. But it’s only in extreme cases that you’d need to do this, mainly because of the hot pavement.

If you feel or have already concluded (after testing) that the pavement is too hot or too cold for your dog, you can try purchasing paw protectors for them, according to their needs.

3. When Is It Too Hot To Walk Your Dog?

sun, sky, blue
Source: Pixabay

Now, different temperatures are mentioned by different medical sources for dog walking.

However, none of them go beyond 30°C because it is unsafe for the pet. It varies from breed to breed and how much heat they can bear on their bodies.

The safest bet is not to take the dog out when the temperature is over 25°C.

4. How To Safely Walk Your Dog On Hot Days?

dog, nature wallpaper, puppy
Source: Pixabay

We know that hot weather is inevitable in many countries. But this shouldn’t mean you and your dog must stop your daily walks.

You can still do so, but take the correct measures for your pet’s safety.

4.1. Your Dog’s Paws Need Protection

Your dog’s feet will suffer if it is unbearably hot. They will tend to get minor burns there. Not only that, but you might see blisters if the dog is highly intolerant of heat.

Therefore, you must buy some protectors for their paws, like boots and socks, or apply some medication. Please consult your respective veterinary doctor.

4.2. Adjust Your Walking Route

If your usual walking spot is experiencing terrible heat, wouldn’t it be considered stupidity to take your dog there for a walk?

Therefore, adjust your walking routes according to your and your dog’s needs. Everything else should be fine.

4.3. Take Whatever Feed It Will Require

Your dog will undoubtedly require some feed on the way. You will need to carry cold water for it, maybe some popsicles to kill the heat, and some homemade milkshakes (with dog-friendly ingredients). 

4.4. Don’t Leave Your Dog In The Car

dog, ginger, ginger dog
Source: Pixabay

Now picture this: you keep your dog in the car with the windows and door shut. Without the a/c, there is extensively hot weather outside. What do you think will happen to your dog?

It’s obvious: suffocation, block in respiration, oxygen loss, dehydration, heatstrokes and this can even be fatal.

Therefore, don’t even think of leaving your dog alone in the car—not just during the warmer seasons but at any time, for that matter.

5. What Is The Ideal Body Temperature For Dogs?

After discussing much in the above paragraphs, it is clear that dogs cannot tolerate much heat. According to Lincolnway Veterinary Clinic, the average body temperature for dogs is between 99.5 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

Refer to the site for more details about dogs and their body temperature. It has also prescribed measures to look after feverish dogs. 

6. How To Cool Down Your Pup?

air, conditioner, hand
Source: Pixabay

There are many ways to protect your dog from heat and cool it down. You could start by feeding them some cold food items. This helps the pup to cool their body and reduce the temperature. 

The cold dietary items for the dogs differ from those consumed by people. Beware, the food we consume is not suitable for many dog breeds.

Groom them timely; remember that this provides heat to the pup, and when you groom them occasionally, this heat will be reduced.

Keep the pet in a cold environment; by this, we must install a fan and be more relaxed on the air conditioner. Pet owners also use cooling beds.

7. Signs Of Heat Stroke In Dogs

weimaraner, puppy, dog
Source: Pixabay

Memphis Veterinary Specialist and Emergency has written everything you need about heatstrokes.

You will find the answers to all your questions about this cause, from the causes to the symptoms, treatments, and aftercare.

8. Best Time To Walk Your Dog

If we look at the conventional time of the day to take the dog out, it would be the following.

8.1. Early Morning

Many people take the early morning walks along with theicaninesne. The temperature from 5 AM to 8 AM is excellent for the dog and the owner. These are the usual free hours for the owners, too.

Aggregated to this, there is more space available as during these hours, many people are still at their homes or probably wrapped in the sheets in their deep slumber.

Most dogs can tolerate temperatures as low as five °C, again variable from one breed to another. You will have to consider all the facts before taking your dog out.

8.2. Late Evenings

This is a fantastic idea for the people who work throughout the day for a living. The environment is suitable for dog walking during this time as well. 

At night, the scorching heat from the afternoon has already been mitigated, and the temperatures are generally lower, so this won’t create a problem for your pet. 

The only thing you have to be sure about here is that you carry a torchlight on your way back home. 

9. Conclusion

To summarise, many different factors must be considered when deciding whether to take your dog out for a walk.

As we have mentioned, age, breed, the weather and extremities of the place you’re living in, and your dog’s protective wear will all be considered when deciding when it is too hot to walk your dog.

According to our research, the best temperature range for a dog walking is between 15°C-25°C. As a dog owner, you have many responsibilities as well, primarily to check the weather (a compulsion) and take the required eateries for it.

Our tips should be enough to take your dog out safely in the heat. Follow all the necessary precautions we mentioned, and everything should be good!

Please tell us what you think in the comments!

Last Updated on by Khushahal Malakar

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1 Comment
  • This article not only answers the question posed but it also lists the factors regarding safety that one needs to consider before taking their dog out on a walk. Realky important for dog owners.

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