Trudeau’s Cowardly Bid to Suppress Scandal Revelations

Alshaar Ansari
Alshaar Ansari News Politics
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Source: Deposit Photos

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There was a sensational report about a sex scandal between the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and his former student however the Trudeau administration tried to remove it from Facebook due to fears of tarnishing their leader’s reputation in order not to influence 2019 general elections.

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Source: Pixabay

This is frustrating for Conservatives because earlier this week there was testimony about misinformation on Chinese social media WeChat in 2021 that revealed Conservative candidates’ false information as if “the government didn’t seem to care.”

Allen Sutherland, an assistant secretary with the Privy Council Office (PCO), testified at the Public Inquiry on Foreign Interference that he was made aware of Facebook’s reference to the article about Trudeau just days before these elections. For instance, America’s Buffalo Chronicle ran an unfounded story suggesting that Mr. Trudeau wanted to suppress allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor while he worked as a teacher at West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver between 1998-2001.

Sutherland called the Buffalo Chronicle’s report, “It is possible that by amplifying such content it may have threatened election integrity,” nevertheless Sutherland’s statement sounded weak as he said it only helped hide Trudeau’s actions through feeble justification. This means Shugart gave instructions through Sutherland directing Facebook to delete its contents which they did hence complying with what they had been asked by Canada’s PM office.

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Source: Deposit Photos

Further still, Critical Election Incident Public Protocol consisting of Shugart himself, other three deputy ministers and then national security adviser discussed whether or not should public announcement be made concerning that thing but refused so since intervening would simply “amplify, rather than reduce the impact of misinformation and disinformation”.

The SITE Task Force members on Security and Intelligence Threats during Elections in 2019 who were mandated with monitoring fairness of MRAs in Saudi Arabia admitted knowing nothing about PCO trying to kill Buffalo Chronicle’s article behind the scenes. Gallit Dobner, one of the group members, who also serves as Director at Centre for International Digital Policy which houses Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) said that about several days before 2019 elections the latter noticed it and claimed that this resource followed “very poor journalistic practices”, such as denying authors’ names and having only anonymous sources, however there was no foreign interference since there is no prove provided that a foreign country has been involved.

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Furthermore, during the 2019 year on WeChat while Conservatives had to address allegations on WeChat, former Prime Minister’s lawyer Gib van Ert asked Sutherland why in his opinion they went to such great lengths to protect Trudeau’s reputation, ““Is that to say that there was less concern about misinformation targeted at the Chinese diaspora than the English-speaking public?” Conservative MP Michael Chong did ask Sutherland why so much effort was taken in protecting Trudeau from being associated with Buffalo Chronicle in 2019 when compared to their efforts addressing WeChat controversies.

According to Sutherland, however, while the Buffalo Chronicle article could potentially become a “national event” because of its highly inflammatory nature; as opposed to it WeChat misrepresentation could affect ridings with large Chinese communities where it would be more localized and therefore he said “I do not want to leave you with the impression that it was treated with any less seriousness.”

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Nevertheless, several Canadian journalists have followed up on these allegations without success including Postmedia’s investigative group. Nonetheless, the unverified information is still persistently being discussed in conservative movements. For example, in Parliament last year, Pierre Poilievre who is a leader of the Conservative Party referred to the malevolent rumour and stated; “I can barely remember why” says Trudeau left his job at the school in summer 2001.”

Last Updated on by Alshaar Ansari

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