Poilievre Takes a Stand with the People as Trudeau Turns a Blind Eye

Alshaar Ansari
Alshaar Ansari News Politics
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Canadian conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has made quite an impression on people across the country by visiting determined protesters who have been camping on the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border. These demonstrators are standing firm against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax hike that they believe is oppressive. In fact, it has become a symbol of what they see as his middle-class-bashing ways.

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Source: Getty Images

The chaos had Poilievre in its midst but he was undeterred and kept going through Atlantic Canada when he saw the protest on the side of the highway. He didn’t think twice about stopping to support these brave souls who have been enduring harsh weather conditions just so their voices could be heard.

At first, some of those gathered outside Nova Scotia Visitor Information Centre in Fort Lawrence feared law enforcement had come to forcibly remove them from their encampment as Poilievre’s convoy of black Suburbans pulled up. But any trepidation quickly turned into joy when they realized it was Canada’s foremost Conservative himself who stood before them.

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Tommy Everett, one protester who has been at this from day one said: “I come around the car, and I met Pierre face to face. For him to come down, with his stature and status, and just sit with us when nobody else that powerful has even come down or even called us, gave us a little bit more fuel to keep going.”

The visit did wonders for morale among these often smeared-at by government but never-visited-by-anyone-else protesters. “We’re not terrorists. We’re not racists. We’re not misogynists. We’re not any of that stuff that Trudeau paints us with a brush as,” said Everett with exasperation clearly audible in his voice.

While mingling with protestors there was also an individual who pointed towards a “F*** Trudeau” flag and asked if Poilievre would take a picture beside it. The diplomat in him laughed and suggested they take the photo elsewhere, saying, “Have you seen what I do to him in the House of Commons every day?”

Another person who was grateful for his solidarity chimed in: “You never thought you’d see something like that.”

Check out the latest survey on the Scoop Canada YouTube Channel discussing Canadians’ confidence in Poilievre’s plan for revitalizing the nation. The outcome was staggering, with an overwhelming majority expressing faith in his vision. Engage in the ongoing discussion and participate in the poll to ensure your perspective is included in this vital discussion!

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Source: Scoop Canada YouTube channel

Poilievre did not hold back when talking with Everett about Trudeau’s abandonment of ordinary Canadians. “He would make people believe his lies, everything he said was bullshit from the top to the bottom, everything he said he was going to help the middle class,” Poilievre lamented. “If you can’t afford a home, you can’t afford food, you’re in poverty.”

According to Everett, approximately 10 people stay at the encampment between Amherst, Nova Scotia and Aulac, New Brunswick “24/7” but numbers grow upwards towards 150 over weekends as more individuals become disillusioned with Trudeau’s policies.

In the midst of these difficulties, the demonstrators are resolute in their purpose, fortified by the awareness that they are being backed up by a leader who understands what it is like to be part of an ordinary citizen. “We see him not answering any questions, is what we see,” said one protester about Trudeau’s evasiveness and lack of transparency which can only be described as scathing.

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While Trudeau keeps on deploring and ignoring the concerns voiced out by those whom he should have been serving, Poilievre has become an advocate for them; thus giving hope when it seemed lost. As long as the encampment remains standing strong against all odds including law enforcement threats; there should be no doubts left – we need somebody at the helm who cares more about working families than political gamesmanship or empty words.

Last Updated on by Alshaar Ansari

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