Skipping to Slim: A Guide on Jumping Rope for Effective Weight Loss

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If you do not have time to head to the gym, then the solution for such people is jumping rope. Jumping rope and skipping rope will help the individual to lose weight.

In simple words, jumping rope burns a lot of calories. Jumping rope has many advantages along with a few disadvantages.

A woman is jumping rope in an empty place with a white background.
Source: Freepik

Jumping rope helps in burning calories and weight loss. Weight loss is the primary purpose of the jumping rope exercises.

Including jump rope exercises not only helps in muscle building but also improves balance and heart pumping. It provides strength to the arms and knees. This is the best way to burn calories and improve cardio conditions.

1. Ways to Jump Rope Properly to Lose Weight 

One way to include rope exercises is by making a Jump Rope Routine.

The jump rope routine includes the proper workout related to the rope exercises.

Sports equipment including pink bottle and jumping rope isolated on blue background
Source: Freepik

Rope exercises have a variety of advantages with almost no disadvantages. The only thing you have to do in this is swing the rope and jump as much as possible. But, yes, jumping straight is essential in every jump roping exercise.

Jump rope exercises help improve heart rate and weight loss; this workout improves cardio condition and supports the development of the whole body.

A jump roping workout is better and easier than any other workout. Jumping rope to lose weight is very common and accessible in all countries.

Tracking how much you jump each day is a must when discussing jumping rope exercises. Then, only you will be able to identify whether you are improving yourself each day or not.

So, here is the solution: The easiest way to count or track your jumping is the online calculator, which automatically calculates your jumping numbers daily.

2. What Are the Types of Jumping Rope Exercises?

Well, there are a lot of jumping rope exercises. The good thing about jumping rope exercises is that you can invent your personalized exercise, too. You can jump rope with both feet or one foot; it depends on your capacity to jump rope and for how long.

Young and senior male and female in basket ball court exercising and jumping using jumping rope
Source: Unlimphotos

So, here is a list of some ways or some exercises related to jumping rope; these exercises help in losing weight and overall body development, along with the proper maintenance of the body. The exercises are described below:

2.1. Strength Training Circuit

This exercise is very common in the jumping rope. It will help you burn more calories than a normal workout.

It also increases bone mineral density and helps in weight loss goals. You just have to do this exercise for 15 minutes a day, which will help you burn calories and have good heart health.

2.1.1. How to Perform This Exercise

A woman alone jumping rope with her feet together.
Source: Unlimphotos

This exercise is very simple to perform. The steps are described below:

  • Jumping rope for around 1 minute, with both your feet together.
  • Do almost 20 lungs per side. Left and Right.
  • Then, jump rope for almost 20 minutes at a consistent pace.
  • Then, do almost 20 push-ups for around 1 minute.
  • Then again, jump rope for around 1 minute with feet together.
  • After this, do a 30-second plank.
  • Then again, jump rope for 1 minute.
  • Repeat this jumping rope, pushups, and plank circuit for five to ten minutes.

2.1.2. Advantages of This exercise

  • This exercise helps in weight loss. It also provides strength to leg muscles and helps burn calories.
  • It increases the individual lung capacity. It comes under high-intensity workouts.

2.2. Alternative Foot Jumps

Instead of jumping on both feet, the person jumps on the alternative foot. This is a very good workout routine for someone who wants to burn calories at home.

It also comes under the high-impact exercise. This exercise also improves the balance of the individual.

2.2.1. How to Perform This Exercise

Jump Rope Tutorial - Alternate Foot Step from Crossrope

The steps to perform this exercise are described below:

  • First, take the rope.
  • Now fold one foot and jump with the other foot.
  • Jump as much as you can within one minute.
  • After one minute, change the leg and jump on the next foot.

2.2.2. Advantages of This Exercise

  • This exercise is among the high-intensity interval training1.
  • It allows more blood to flow first in one leg than in another.
  • It also helps to burn calories. It allows for the reduction of current weight and fat mass.

2.3. Doing Variation

How many calories do you want to burn? The choice of exercise depends on it.

If you want to burn a few calories, this exercise is very good and effective. More calories can be burned by this exercise when you continuously do this. Include this exercise in your daily jump rope routine for better results.

2.3.1. How to Perform These Exercises

Exercise Library: Side-to-Side Jumps

The steps of performing this exercise are described below:

  • First, hold the jump rope.
  • Jump a few inches to your left as you swing your rope.
  • After that, jump a few inches to your right side as you swing the rope.
  • Then, try to get in rhythm while jumping rope from side to side.
  • Practice at least ten side-to-side jumps.
  • Try to perform this exercise on a wooden floor.

2.3.2. Advantages of This Exercise

  • This exercise is very important in weight loss; in other words, it supports weight loss.
  • It also helps in a calorie deficit2. It provides strength to your upper body composition.

2.4. Single Leg Lift Jumping Rope

It is a type of interval training related to your legs. This is among the most famous exercises that help individuals burn calories at home. Doing this exercise will not require any personal trainer. This exercise has a very increased demand due to its benefits.

2.4.1. How to Perform This Exercise

Learn How to Jump Rope on One Leg

The steps are described below,

This exercise is also called the weight-bearing exercise. First, stand straight with shoulder width apart.

  • Start with your right foot first.
  • Start jumping rope, but remember to land softly on the balls of your foot.
  • Then, switch feet and keep jumping on the left foot.
  • The key is to remember this every time you have to land softly.
  • Keep your shoulders rolled back.
  • Your upper portion should be straight while performing this exercise.
  • Do at least five jumps on each side.

2.4.2. Advantages of This Exercise

  • To do this exercise, you do not require any personal trainer. The benefits of this exercise are it improves the individual’s respiratory rate and provides strength to the feet and knees.
  • Apart from all this, it also helps burn fewer calories. It is simple as compared to other exercises.

2.5. Classic Jump Rope

A man jumping rope outdoors on a sunny morning.
Source: Unlimphotos

The classic jump rope is another exercise that comes under the jump rope exercises to lose weight. These exercises can be performed by any person of any age, irrespective of gender. 

2.5.1. How to Perform This Exercise

First, stand with the rope at the back of your heels.

  • Then, swing the rope over your head in the direction from back to front.
  • Jump the rope when it comes down in front of your feet.
  • Then, let it swing under your feet. Repeat this for a time as much as possible.
  • Start with slow and gradually pick up the pace.

2.5.2. Advantages of This Exercise

  • The advantage of this type of rope exercise is that it strengthens the legs and shoulders. Moreover, it will also help in losing weight.

2.6. Boxer Side Step Jump

Jump Rope Boxer Step Tutorial - The Boxer’s Side-to-Side Step: Skipping like a Boxer

This exercise is best among the rope exercises to lose weight. This exercise is very simple to perform and very effective. 

2.6.1. How to Perform This Exercise

First, stand up with the rope at the back of your heels.

  • Now bend your elbows at an angle of around 90 degrees and keep them close to your sides.
  • Now lift from the midsoles of your feet like you swing the rope over your head.
  • Instead of jumping up straight, try jumping from right to left, like jogging.
  • Make your side jumps wider as much as possible.

2.6.2. Advantages of This Exercise

  • This exercise helps maintain and increase stamina.

2.7. Backward Jump

The backward jump is just the opposite of the classic rope jump. 

2.7.1. How to Perform This Exercise

Jump Rope Tutorial - Backwards Jumping [Crossrope]

First, stand straight with the rope at the tips of your toes.

  • Now, use your wrists to swing the rope over your head, this time in the opposite direction from front to back.

2.7.2. Advantages of This Exercise

  • This exercise helps the individual to make their core strength stronger.

3. Benefits of Jumping Rope

Along with weight loss, these exercises have many more advantages. Some advantages are described below:

3.1. Cardio Fitness3

It helps in calorie burn, jumps continuously for a long time, and requires more oxygen and blood to pump into working muscles. Which directly increases your heart rate and respiratory rate to accomplish the body’s increased demands.

Jumping for a long period may strengthen the heart and improve lung capacity.

3.2. Stronger Bones

These exercises come under the impactful exercise that puts some stress on the bones, making them stronger.

3.3. Coordination and Balance

Adding the jump rope workout to the daily routine may be a great way to improve balance and coordination. It improves the coordination of your arms, torso, and legs.

3.4. Muscles Strengthen

This is a kind of full-body workout4; it improves and provides strength to every part of your body. It will also help in muscle endurance.

4. Benefits of Including Rope Exercises in Your Daily Routine

A woman jumps with a rope with bright light in the background.
Source: Unlimphotos

Along with many other advantages, rope exercises can be included in the daily workout routine. Depending on the experience, you can include the jumping rope in your workout routine. There are the following places in which you can include rope exercises in your daily workout.

4.1. Warm-up

You can start your daily workout by doing roping exercises for almost three to four minutes.

4.2. Finisher

You can also use the rope exercises as a finisher exercise. You can add this at the end of any workout. Jump with a very fast pace for almost 100 counts. Then, take a short break or rest and continue jumping the rope for 100 counts.

4.3. Endurance Workout

For this, the only thing the person has to do is jump the rope as much as possible. The focus must be moderate-intensity jumping5 or sometimes slow.

4.4. Mid Workout

If the individual likes to rest between the two exercises, they can do the rope exercises in that time; in this way, they can utilize the time gap between the two exercises.

5. Do Jumping Rope Exercises Burn More Calories Than Running?

A pair of running shoes is kept beside a jumping rope.
Source: Unlimphotos

When comparing the amount or number of calories burned during almost ten-minute sessions of rope exercises, it will burn more calories than running. However, let’s see how it works based on the intensity of these exercises.

5.1. Low Intensity

If you perform the low-intensity rope exercises, it will burn almost 105 calories. In running, you can only burn 117 calories at low-intensity running.

In this case, only running is more efficient than the rope exercises because it allows the person to burn slightly more calories than the battle rope exercises. Now, let’s see another intensity workout. 

5.2. Medium Intensity

If you do medium-intensity rope exercises, it will help you burn around 140 calories compared to running; it will only allow you to burn 125 calories.

5.3. High Intensity

If you perform high-intensity rope exercises, it will help you burn almost 146 calories, and compared to running, running will help you burn nearly 140 calories.

According to the above data, I can say that rope exercises are better than running in comparison to the calories burned in medium- and high-intensity workouts. Still, in the case of low-intensity running, it is more beneficial.

A fit girl with jumping rope standing in a gym.
Source: Unlimphotos

Also, according to a study, high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) has more effect on reducing body fat.

Here, jumping rope can be considered a high-intensity exercise compared to running or jogging. Hence, jumping rope burns more calories than running when exercising at a higher intensity.

Along with this, factors like age and gender also play a major role in weight loss.

Final Note

Jumping rope workout routines help in full-body workouts. Additionally, it helps in calories burned. Along with this, rope exercises help improve body balance and heart rate.

Rope exercises help maintain good body posture, a healthy heart, and weight loss. Rope exercises are very beneficial if they are performed daily and properly. 

Rope exercises6 can be performed at any time and any place. You do not need to go to the gym to perform these exercises; you only need a jumping rope.

Talking about weight loss, jumping rope exercises are a yes for beginners. Still, along with this, we can also maintain a healthy diet, rest properly, and follow a consistent routine.

  1. Hough, Paul. “High-intensity interval training.” Advanced personal training. Routledge, 2021. 171-203. ↩︎
  2. Cereda, Emanuele, et al. “Early caloric deficit is associated with a higher risk of death in invasive ventilated COVID-19 patients.” Clinical Nutrition 41.12 (2022): 3096-3099. ↩︎
  3. Raghuveer, Geetha, et al. “Cardiorespiratory fitness in youth: an important marker of health: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.” Circulation 142.7 (2020): e101-e118. ↩︎
  4. Evangelista, Alexandre Lopes, et al. “Split or full-body workout routine: which is best to increase muscle strength and hypertrophy?.” einstein (São Paulo) 19 (2021): eAO5781. ↩︎
  5. Lu, Mingyue, et al. “Effects of 8-week high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on bone metabolism in sedentary young females.” Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness 20.2 (2022): 77-83. ↩︎
  6. Kim, Jun, et al. “The effects of a 12-week jump rope exercise program on body composition, insulin sensitivity, and academic self-efficacy in obese adolescent girls.” Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 33.1 (2020): 129-137. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Sanjana

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