Failed Housing Plan and False Promises by Trudeau

Alshaar Ansari
Alshaar Ansari News Politics
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The recent announcement by the Trudeau government about a grand plan to tackle Canada’s housing crisis has been met with increasing skepticism and disappointment. Though his rhetoric was high-flown, accompanied by a detailed press release, when examined closely, the so-called “Canada’s Housing Plan” is seen to consist of broken promises and missed opportunities that are not in line with the ground realities.

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Source: Getty Images

Fundamentally, there is an issue of the colossal scale of the government’s ambition – pledging “to unlock 3.87 million new homes by 2031.” However much this figure has been hailed as bold and unprecedented, it represents a remarkable departure from both its own record in managing housing issues on one hand and historical trends in Canada’s housing market.

In reality, for the past ten years new home construction rates in Canada have averaged just 197k p.a., with even more optimistic forecasts saying builders may have only managed to break ground on just 232267 houses before end year. Doubling this number to 552857 annually for seven years as promised by Trudeau administration is something that can only be termed as illogical.

Their own plan admits that there will be five thousand two hundred fifty six thousand eight hundred fifty seven net new houses come 2031; however there will still be another one million eight hundred seventy thousand two hundred fourteen houses built anyway . This means that rather than achieving any revolutionary transformation spoken about in their speeches about their proposed solution towards dealing with this problem which mean getting slightly more than what they usually average now, just over two million units each year versus homes constructed over several decades by themselves after having doubled first of all over several succeeding years respectively.

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Source: Scoop Canada YouTube channel

Furthermore, this scheme depends on tax breaks here and there , low interest loans etc which points out fundamental lack of knowledge regarding the root causes behind housing affordability problem. The lack of meaningful steps to address the ever increasing development costs due to such factors as rising fees and charges further demonstrates that government is not serious about facing the real challenges of the housing market.

In light of this, it becomes even more frustrating when the government’s decision to treat this plan as a pre-budget “bauble” and also how media went uncritical on this announcement. Long-standing housing problems in Canada have never been addressed by Trudeau’s government as they continue with their empty rhetoric and political statements.

The federal budget is impending and many Canadians are asking themselves whether there will be a true commitment from the government towards addressing the problem of housing or “Canada’s Housing Plan” will just remain among other broken promises and missed opportunities.

Skepticism met the Trudeau government’s recent announcement that it has a plan to resolve Canada’s housing crisis. This is a sharp departure from what the government has done in the past and historical trends, as seen in its plan of “unlocking 3.87 million new homes by 2031.” Currently, Canada builds only about 197,000 new homes per year and under the most optimistic forecast there will be 232,267 houses by the year end. The government’s promise to more than double this rate is unrealistic and lacks credibility.

The fact that the plan only aims for “net new homes” of approximately two million by 2031 while rest (approximately 1.87 million) are being built anyway further discredits it as a solution to the housing crisis. According to this document, tax incentives, low-interest credit facilities and easing of bureaucratic procedures represent important but superficial approaches towards solving affordability problems associated with real estate development costs.

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Canadians have been left even more frustrated and disillusioned because of such events like naming this scheme as a pre-budget ‘‘bauble’’ by the government or uncritical reporting about it in media. Instead of being well-thought-out comprehensive strategy which can change things around once for all, Government resorted to political rhetoric leaving Canadians to wonder if their age long housing issues will ever be addressed.

Whether or not there would at least be an authentic commitment on behalf of Canadian authorities towards tackling the housing crisis when the next federal budget comes out remains to be seen; otherwise, “Canada’s Housing Plan” may become an empty word just like many others before that.

Last Updated on by Alshaar Ansari

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