The Canadian security service has confirmed, following case presentations at the official inquiry, that China country’s meddling in the nation’s previous two election cycles served as the most definite proof thus far of possible Chinese interference in Canadian politics.
A document prepared by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), titled Briefing to the Prime Minister’s Office on Foreign Interference Threats to Canada’s Democratic Institutions, stated: “We can affirm with no doubt, that the PRC secretly and deceptively interfered in both the recent 2019 General Elections and the 2021 elections.” “PRC” stands for the People’s Republic of China.
Response from India
Besides, it further pointed out that an Indian approach to these senior officials was not disclosed and anybody using such a method is interfering with the internal affairs of the sovereign state.
The absence of such a foreign interference (FI) alert was cited by the Canadian news outlet Globe and Mail’s senior parliamentary reporter Steven Chase, as he posted on X: “Former CIC (Chief Investigation Commissioner – presumably that’s what he is) told today that their Operational Team which monitored the 2021 election, was never informed of any possible FI activity from India during the 2021 campaign.”
India, on its part, has systematically denied its role in such acts in Canada.
Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal had stated: This allegation of Indian interference in the Canadian elections is baseless and is far from our policy of steering clear of other countries’ internal politics which we know this one… Our country, too has been interfering in the internal affairs of other countries in the past.
India was referred to in the trials sometimes and by CSIS (Canada Security Intelligence Service) as one of the possible foreign powers interfering in Canadian nations apart from countries like Russia, Iran and Pakistan. Canada does consider China with a leader position in these kinds of activities.
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Trudeau’s Response and Investigation
On account of the reports of opponent legislators going to the reports of media on the possibilities of China’s involvement, Trudeau set up the commission to investigate the interference of foreign powers.
The briefing was delivered by the Canadian Security Intelligence Services the morning of Monday and a slide illustrating a clip of their presentation on 02 Feb 2023 was provided.
A short declaration on this saying went “The PRC made a clandestine and deceptive interference with both the 2019 and 2021 elections.”
In each of the cases, these cross-border activities were geared towards either expressing endorsement or lack of support to the government and were utilized in matters of interest to the PRC regimen.
The assessment itself had earlier been reported by Global News., The Chinese government insists on their absence in any Canadian political issues.
‘China’s interference scored at least nine seats away from the winning team’ according to Erin O’Toole who had led the Conservatives during the 2021 election. Nevertheless, the impact it made wasn’t enough to alter the election results, according to him.
A report declared, “The state actors can commit foreign interference successfully in Canada where there the low legal and political consequences. The consequences suggest the activities are low-risk, high-reward scenarios.”
The author also states that intelligence analysts together with the Conservatives claim that the Chinese interference has not been properly tackled by Trudeau’s government.
Trudeau’s testimony, scheduled for Wednesday, will be the next in line.
The Conservatives, having a harder stance on China than the Liberals, ran for an election in 2021 on the issues of denouncing Beijing’s Uyghur minority detention and assuring that Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei didn’t get involved in the 5G network.
A member of the ethnic Chinese community, although not an official member of the left-leaning New Democrats complained that after she expressed criticism for the policies for Hong Kong coming from Beijing, invitations for the events organized and hosted by the community of people of political influence almost disappeared.
Based on the final 2021 census data, the number of Chinese residents in Canada is roughly estimated to be around 1.7 million which is 4.95% of the whole population.
The Chinese embassy did not at once comment following the request of CSIS for their side of the story.
A year ago, the government of Canada announced that the senior Chinese diplomat had been subjected to the online disinformation campaign that had subsequently resulted in the latter’s expulsion from the country.
Microsoft’s Analysis of Cyber Warfare Operations
A report on Microsoft analysis was shared and it showed that Chinese cyber and influence operatives in addition to North Korean cyber agents to a certain extent will be more active in influencing the outcomes of the 2019 Indian Lok Sabha elections.
The mass kingpin of the cyber warfare (Chinese) multi-acts of spying and engagement on the knowledge field (influence operations) across all the GX regions are disclosed by the researchers at Microsoft Threat Intelligence expertise
Last Updated on by Nikita Pradhan